Augmented Reality Tutorial No. 34: Screenshot of Augmented Reality View and Sharing it on Facebook

posted in: Augmented Reality | 56

Little by little we’re moving to

Download # Unity3D (download and install it, if you don’t have it already) (*.exe file)

Unity3D is also available to download from here

Download # Download and Import Vuforia for Unity3D Extension v5.0.5 (*.unitypackage file)

Unity3D extension is also available to download from here (there might be even be newer version)

Download # Print Euforia of Beauty Logo for Scene Augmentation and Create the Tracker  (*.jpg file)

Download # You Can Use Already Created Tracker Based on Euforia of Beauty Logo  (*.unitypackage file)

Download # C# Code for Taking a Screenshot and Share It  (*.cs file)

Download # Archived Buttons (Snapshot, Share and Close App)  (*.rar file)

Download # Download Android App and Install it to Your Device (the result to test it)  (*.apk file)

Download # Download Whole Augmented Reality Screenshot Sharing Tutorial Project Files (the result to test it)  (*.rar file)

56 Responses

  1. Ketan D. Gaikwad

    Great tutorial…Thanks Please send complete info asap…

  2. Ketan D. Gaikwad

    Hi i have one query after taking screenshot this screen shot is not save into is their any solution for this.

    • admin

      Yeah, it’s not in the gallery, but it’s somewhere in your device’s memory. If you know how to modify this code in order to send the pictures to the gallery, please, let us all know! So far I achieved this (saving pictures to gallery) only by using Unity3D assets/plugins, which comes with a price.

  3. Joaquin

    waiting for eager new tutorials. congratulations for the work done

  4. Joaquin

    waiting for the new tutorial 35 very good job. Greetings

  5. John

    i’m and Interactive Developer using Unity3d, i sincerely need your help on how to integrate Vuforia and Googlecardboard sdk in Unity 3d for Architectural Visualizations.

    Great work with the tutorials.

    Thanks in Advance

    • admin

      Hello, John. Haven’t done anything on that yet. But I will soon, you can wait for a tutorial (2 to 3 months), but if you want it to be quicker it won’t be for free.

  6. Ferry

    how can I take another snapshot and not to replace the older one.
    i want to create a snapshot gallery stored on SDcard.

  7. Ferry

    one more.

    now I’m develop ARVR app, is this snapshot button just to snap on-screen interface ?
    is this work on stereoscopic interface ? i want it just a monoscopic(single) image saved.

    *sorry for english

  8. Steve

    Hi, first of all thank you for all of your tutorials.
    could you use cursor highlighted tool in your future tutorials?

  9. AdminAdmire

    Admin you my teacher and motivator…. i will donate you for sure….

  10. Sergii

    can you help with tutorial or any information about: User Defined Target(vuforia). ? thanks for advice

  11. herdi

    android ultimate plugin lite seems not free but paid, you got a free asset android ultimate plugin lite for unity3d thanks

  12. andres

    Another excellent tutorial, android ultimate plugin now cost 5$ 🙁

    • admin

      Oh well, it’s not so much, but maybe you’ll find something for free, but you’ll need to modify some code.

  13. Kevin

    Great Tutorial thanks, but i want to ask question i developing a vuforia app,
    but when i taking a screenshot using your code my result is only white screen and the Augmented view only with white background can you help me pls?
    sorry for my bad english, thanks

    • admin

      I have a better “taking a picture” function, but I am not willing to share right now.

    • admin

      I would guess that plugin was imported wrong, unless you downloaded whole project folder?

  14. Hide

    why when i import on smartphone the canvas doesn’t appear?

      • Hide

        yes man, on pc i can see the button and the panel, on phone it seems like they’re invisibile, when i tap randomly on the screen tapping them, they work but i can’t see them!

          • admin

            Sorry, I won’t have time to deal with it.

          • CALLO

            Hi, I downloaded your project, and when i exported it for android I can’t see the button on smartphone, but when i download your apk,works, what’s the problem?

          • admin

            I have restested just right now (exported the apk). Works great actually.

  15. Eormo

    Thank you for your work, your tutorials are very helpful!

    I was wondering if it could be possible to show the panel only when the marker is tracked?

    • admin

      It is really possible, but I won’t go into details, google unity/vuforia forums.

      • Eormo

        Thanks, I’ve managed to find a solution on these forums! But I’m now facing another issue as I have multiple targets. It works great, until I click the camera button and track another target : the share button from the previous track still appear… Is there a way to restart/disable your script while on OnTrackingLost?

      • Eormo

        I ended up duplicating your script and calling the matching canvas for each ImageTarget. I don’t know if it’s the best thing to do but it is working! Sorry for the bother and thanks again for your tutorials!

  16. Piotr

    Hi, your tutorials are very helpful great job! Got one question is it possible to take a snapshot with interface graphic elements? In my case the snapshot is working but without augmented layer. I’m working on simple app with OpenCV ForUnity. Maybe I have to change the camera name in your script?
    Thank you and pleas keep your tutorials coming!

    • admin

      It’s possible with or without, doesn’t matter. Just dive into code, I’m hiding the UI elements.

  17. Taleh

    It’s an awesome tutorial,but i was undering if it is posible to add adition text to user’s one, for example: he/she wrote: I like this games,and in the end an stabil #CompanyName?

  18. crimson

    I am a newbie.Assets/SnapshotShare.cs(7,17): error CS0246: The type or namespace name `AndroidUltimatePluginController’ could not be found. Are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?

    • admin

      You’re missing plugin. Did you tried archived project?

      • crimson

        I created a new project, and the plug-in is just downloaded. Is a plug-in date? Help me, I’m a student from China

      • crimson

        I can’t find ‘the class AndroidUltimatePluginController

  19. crimson

    No sharing function after I completed all the steps,Where is it wrong?

  20. Yudha

    how to get android ultimate plugin ? because that’s not free

  21. Victor

    How to share on iOS, is there also have plugin for that?

  22. kyo

    hello the person who use in now situation which is 2017..its still avaiable?

    • admin

      Yeah, you should probably find another way if you want it for free, but I recommend buying a plugin, for instance, ultimate mobile.

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