Augmented Reality Tutorial No. 14: Augmented Reality using Unity3D and Vuforia (part 1)

posted in: Augmented Reality | 33

Little by little we’re moving to

This is one of the simplest Augmented Reality examples. Camera is pointed to the image target, which is recognized, tracked and virtual character added on top of it.

Download # Unity3D (download and install it) (*.exe file)

Unity3D is also available to download from here

Download # Download and Import Unity3D Extension (*.unitypackage file)

Unity3D extension is also available to download from here

Download # Download and Import EdgarasArt tracker in Unity3D  (*.unitypackage file)

You can create your own tracker here

Download # Print this image to augment the content  (*.jpg file)

Download # The same resized image to 512×512 pixels  (*.jpg file)

Download # Download Whole Project EdgarasArt files (the result)  (*.rar file)

33 Responses

  1. Elmer

    Hi! I’m new to AR and Unity but I have been a software developer for over 10 years. Thank you in advanced, I will try your tutorial. It looks like a lot of fun! 🙂

  2. Mayang

    Hi I am totally new with AR and any software developer ( not a programmer at all), Thank you, I test it out and it works. But I have a question, If I want to use my own 360 picture, how can I upload it and use it?

    • admin

      I’m not sure what you mean “360 picture”, but it is shown in this video how to upload the image. Just change the Logo to your own picture.

  3. Fu

    Hi, Thank you for the tutorial, it is a really good kick start for someone who is totally new and want to learn like me. However, I have a question, after doing everything you did in the video, when pressing play, how do I like it to my android? Are there any videos you did which explains?

  4. Fu

    Thank you for the tutorial video, it is a really kick start for someone totally new like me.
    It would be great if you can help me with my question.
    After doing everything you did in the video with a PC, and press play button, how do I link the program to my android device?

  5. Rizky

    Is this marker-based or markerless-based augmented reality ?

  6. elba

    Hi, I already made those examples but I have a question do you know about the Dragon Board 410c, I want to play mi app in those board but I installed the Ubuntu Linaro but my app doesn’t work with this … Do you know or do you export and play some of your apps with some other board ??

    • admin

      Sorry, but I don’t know, about the dragon board 410c I’ve heard only from you right now 🙂

  7. Sam

    After doing everything as in video in Unity 5.2.2 32 bit the unity chan model isn’t rendering in the video. What’s wrong?

  8. Rasha

    But , can it run although my OS 64-bit ? and if it doesn’t ,there’s any other solution ?!

      • ZaidRehman

        Is there any way to run this on 64bit Unity?
        I dont want to remove current unity and install the whole unity again ..

        • admin

          I hope there is, if you’ll find one – let us know.

  9. RW

    Only after this half year, a lot has been changed to unity and Vuforia. I can’t follow your video any more. So sad.

    • admin

      Actually nothing has changed, except newer versions of Unity and Vuforia. The steps to achieve AR example stays the same.

  10. Shreyal

    Hey i tried doing the same…. but my Unity Crashed when i am trying to add ImageTarget. I am using Unity-5.3.3f personal. Can You tell the version of unity you using. So i can follow your video’s.

  11. lana sa

    Hello , what should i do with this warrning “trackable xx lost” ??

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